special projects.2006-2007

Artwork documentation by Nicole Fournier

Nicole Fournier (Montréal)


From June 23 to August 26, 2007

Launching on Saturday June 23, 2007


In collaboration with Santropol Roulant

In front of articule's storefront window, 262 Fairmount O., Montréal

Live Dining is a site specific, agricultural intervention, ecovention, dining, harvesting, planting, performance, work in process. It is about creating a situation by integrating a dining-kitchen room installation in an outside location where plants grow. Within this installation, participants perform actions of harvesting, preparing, cooking and eating.

Live Dining is an adjective as well as a concept that is adaptable and can be applied to different contexts - urban, suburban or rural, as well as public or private. The artist is interested in the interconnections between harvesting food, daily acts of food preparation and dining, as well as the healing properties of wild plants and the importance of biodiversity. Taking place in front of articule's storefront window during July and August, and also integrating actions in other public places in collaboration with Santropol Roulant, Live Dining brings attention to our relationships to agriculture and food security, and looks at notions of controlled and wild nature, as well as at ideas of utility and non-utility.