Explorations  Alice de Visscher
  • Explorations
10 Dec 2010 to 12 Dec 2010

Video in window: December 10 to 12 (4pm to 6pm)
Performance: Sunday, December 12 2010 at 3pm

at articule

Alice De Visscher explores the physical properties of an object, her body, space and the relationships they share. Equally, she works with her perceptions of her body and space. By using strange associations she seeks to provoque the imaginary, so that the public can associate personal images or ideas to the actions they witness.

Alice De Visscher lives and works in Bruselles. Graduate of a theather school in 2004, (De Kleine Academie), she quit the narrative to explore the physical and visual relationships between her body, objects and/or space through video and performance. She has presented her work in Belgium for a number of years and is now beginning this year to present her work internationally (Germany, Austria, Singapore, Thaïlande).

Image credit: Performance « Sponge », June 27, 2010 at Métal26, Brussels
Photo by Luis Alvarez

The artist thanks Wallonie-Bruxelles international for their support.


Special projects  

Participating Artists: Alice de Visscher