Monitor 9 : New South Asian Short Film and Video  
  • Monitor 9
     Monitor 9
07 Dec 2013

articule is proud to collaborate for a third year with SAVAC to screen Monitor 9: New South Asian Short Film and Video. The Monitor series is an annual short film and video screening program that showcases new and innovative work by artists from Canada and internationally. Monitor 9 is a unique platform for independent work that brings together poignant films and videos that explore bodies in flow. Programmer Nahed Mansour employs the notion of global flows through which the artists negotiate various mediascapes, technoscapes, financescapes, ethnoscapes and ideoscapes in their work.

Featuring works by: Jude Anogwih (Nigeria), Kuljit Chuhan (UK), soJin Chun (Canada), Ashim Halder Sagor (Bangladesh), Taiki Sakpisit (Thailand), Smriti Mehra & Matt Lee (India), Nguyen Tan Hoang (USA), Elisha Lim (Canada), Shreyasi Kar (India), Ahmed Faisan Naveed (Pakistan) and Pavitra Wickramasinghe (Canada).

Monitor 9: New South Asian Film & Video is programmed by Toronto based artist Nahed Mansour. Having completed an MFA at Concordia University, Mansour is currently the Director of the Mayworks Festival in Toronto.

Monitor 9 jury members include Renata Mohammed, Rehab Nazzal & Alexis Mitchell.


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