6:30pm - meal & orientation for new members and potential members
7:00pm - General Assembly
Dear members and articule friends,
Your are kindly invited to our Fall General Assembly which will take place on Thursday October 11, at 7 PM.
Please take note that the evening will start with a buffet at 6:30 pm, as well as an orientation for new members and potential members - come learn what articule is all about and how membership works!
This first General Assembly of the season is the perfect opportunity to renew your membership or complete your membership process, and to meet new members.
The main subjects on the agenda:
- - Approval of the 2017-18 Financial Statements
- - Presentation of articule’s committees for the year
On behalf of the Board of Directors of articule, we look forward to seeing you all on October 11th. For more information please call us at articule at 514-842-9686.
articule's gallery is wheelchair accessible. There is a ramp at the entrance of the building. The bathroom is partially accessible to persons using a wheelchair; please also note there is only one support bar.