Saturday, February 1, 2014 - 1:00pm
Come and join us at the Mile End Library

We will be talking about articule's future plans to relocate - Not to be missed!

Arrive early - at 12:30 - there will be food and drinks to nourish the spirit!

At this winter Assembly, we will warm up by discussing our incredible artist-run centre and plans to relocate in the coming years. The four Board Members of the RAINBOW COMMITTEE -- Ed Janzen, Rhonda Meier, Natalie Olanick and Steve Topping -- will present their work to date on the relocation project and will facilitate the discussion about articule's future. Please join us, one and all, and participate in the discussion!

The Assembly is open to the public, but only members can vote. There are two ways to become an active member: by completing four hours of volunteer work and attending one general assembly within the same programming year, or by attending two general assemblies within the same programming year. The annual membership fee is $1.

Date: Saturday, February 1, 2014
Time: 1pm - 3pm
Location: Mile End Library (5434 Avenue du Parc)
Chair: Lotfi Gouigah (articule member)
Location - Venue: 
Bibliothèque du Mile End5434, avenue du Parc Montreal, QCCanada