special projects.2009-2010

flyer for special project Titles III

Moving, Writing, Drawing: Techniques for Mapping

A workshop with Rennie Tang (architect) and Sara Wookey (choreographer)

Saturday February 20, 2010 from 10am to 3pm
at articule (262 Farimount, O)
Limited space, to reserve your place: info@articule.org

It appears that people, in their daily lives, merely skim the surface of a world that has been previously mapped out and constructed for them to occupy, rather than contributing through their movements to its ongoing formation.
Tim Ingold


This workshop aims to amplify the role of the body and movement as tools for activating, navigating and, eventually, re-mapping a space.
We are interested in working with participants to explore the interface between the gallery space and the outside arena of the city. In order to do this, we will lead the participants through a multi-media sequence that begins with physical movement, flows into writing and drawing, and then translates into mapping. These events will take place both inside and directly outside of the gallery, as we explore the ways that our bodies co-perform with the built environment and produce traces of remembered material in the form of words and drawings that will be used to construct the eventual maps.



Sara Wookey is a choreographer based in Los Angeles, California. Researching issues of mobility and place making in urban environments and the role of corporeality, her work aims to create performative events of engagement for diverse venues such as theaters, galleries and sidewalks spaces. Her most recent performance work, "Walking LA|(Sur)facing the City" premiered at the Museum of Contemporary Art in San Diego. For more information visit: www.sarawookey.com


Rennie Tang is an architect and urban designer whose work extends beyond the boundaries of these disciplines to incorporate her background in movement/dance and interest in collaborating with artists. While she primarily teaches undergraduate design studios, she recently initiated some interdisciplinary courses to explore the convergence of movement practice and architecture/urbanism. These initiatives include an interdisciplinary seminar, Choreographing Space, at USC and a workshop, Moving Diagrams, at Cal Poly.