
documentation of Ecran Libre Open Screen

supermarket 2010

artist-run art fair, Stockholm
February 18 - 21


articule participated in Supermarket 2010, a Swedish international artist-run art fair whose mandate is to showcase artists’ initiatives, and to create opportunities for new networks on the international art scene. This year, the fair welcomed 56 organisations from 24 countries and was visited by 6550 visitors.


We presented works by four of articule’s active members: Jérôme Havre, Riaz Mehmood, Rachel Ni Chuinn, and Jonathan Plante, along with documentation of a selection of exhibitions and « special projects » from the past four years. In parallel, we offered the Drift Line zine for free and some of our popular multiples (t-shirts, publications, etc.) for sale.


For more information, please visit: